Younger Nissan of Frederick

Feb 27, 2020

The seasons will be changing soon, and that means warmer weather is on the horizon. More people will be out and about taking in the spring weather, which means it’s important to slow down and keep an eye out for pedestrians, cyclists, and road workers! But that’s not the only thing you should watch out for! Spring can also be a dangerous time to drive with potholes, rainstorms, and tons of distractions! Take a peek below and refresh yourself on some helpful safety tips for driving this spring!


Be On The Lookout For Potholes: Winter weather takes a big toll on our roadways, which leads to some pretty nasty potholes. If you are speeding down the road and don’t slow down in time and hit a pothole, then chances are that your vehicle is gonna have some damage, serious damage. Damage can include a punctured tire, bent rim, suspension damage, poor alignment, and exhaust system damage. 


Slow Down For Spring Showers: Did you know that roads are most slippery when it first starts to rain? This is caused by rainwater mixing with contaminants on the road, such as oil and grease. Make sure to increase your following distance to allow for proper braking.


Watch For Animals On The Move: Animal activity is up when the weather starts getting nicer. That means keep an eye out and drive slow especially for animals like deer that are known to be out at dusk and dawn. 


Watch For Pedestrians: Similar to animals, people tend to be out and about more when the weather starts getting warmer. Whether that means there are more walkers, cyclists or kids play hopscotch. Be sure to slow down especially in residential neighborhoods and busy streets. 


Share The Road With Motorcycles: Spring is when the motorcycle riders come out, and because of their speed and size, they may come in and out of your blind spots quickly. Be sure to listen to the sound of their bike and take a few extra seconds before switching lanes. If you are following a motorcycle, remember to leave a good amount of space in between. 


Maintain Proper Tire Pressure: During the winter months, your tires lose air due to the cold temperatures, this causes your tire to be under-deflated. Vice-versa, warm weather will cause them to be over-inflated. Each situation can lead to increased wear and poor handling.


Inspect Your Tires: Spring will bring the showers and when that happens making sure your tire tread is in shape is important to the quality of your driving. Just like snow, rain makes the road slippery and having good tires will make or break your driving experience. Remember to use easy tricks the penny test to check your tire tread and regularly check your tire pressure if your vehicle doesn’t display it for you. 


Pay Attention In Construction Zones: When the snow washes away and the spring days are here to stay, construction will start up again. One thing to keep in mind is that construction zones ask you to slow down for a reason, do it. Remember to…

  • Be attentive. Construction workers and equipment may suddenly enter the roadway. Traffic patterns can change daily to accommodate the work being done.
  • Understand and follow the signs.
  • Make safe lane changes. Solid lines in construction zones mean that you should stay in your lane.
  • Slow down. Fines may be doubled in construction zones. In addition, slowing down can save a life.